Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Teaching Philosophy

Secondary schooling is about so much more than just improving ones academic intelligence. I have often been disgruntled by the teacher who forgets that school is a place where you begin to form yourself, where memories of love, laughter, friendship, justice, right and wrong begin to guide you along your life journey. It is not only a teacher's job to make sure students gain skills in reading, writing and thinking but also apart of their job to respect and attempt to understand their students. As apart of my practice in finding that balance between encouraging life learning, passing on my enthusiam for history and understanding that between years 7 - 12 school is not always first in the student mind, I will reflect and crtique through this blog what works and what doesn't.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie,
    Your blog is fantastic! It is great to see you sharing your teaching experience online. I really enjoyed ready your posts and this will be great link to have on your resume in the future. Do you mind if I share this link with the staff at Bethlehem?
    Hope to hear from you soon
